Hanneke BEAUMONT the quiet between

Opening Sunday 24 April from 3 to 6:30 PM
Sculptures of the past and of an uneasy present
The quiet of Beaumonts art is about the space, physical and psychological, between states of being. (…) The sculpture is a snapshot moment in time.(J. A. Becherer)
The world of today is certainly not the one we have been used to. There is at the moment a sense of uneasiness, uncertainty and instability. When looking at Hanneke Beaumonts recent sculptures we might detect this feeling. Her work is and always has been very intuitive, expressing as it is correctly put in the above quote by Joe Becherer, states of being. Snapshots of todays world.
There is a strong connection between the artist and the medium she works with (earth / clay) expressing the strength and yet fragility of the human race. Her sculptures represent Man in the broader sense; Man in all of its humanity. Many of her figures appear neither male nor female, neither young nor old. They do not appear as portraits of particular individuals, nor are they modeled after idealized human forms. Physically, they are approximations of human beings, and as such, they provide a way to consider, from a distance, general ideas about the nature of the human race. Their positions are not aggressive or provocative, but neither are they resigned. Fragile but strong, motionless but ready to move, these figures, seem in a weightless spatial equilibrium – their human character tied to a string of thought. Dressed in timeless «clothes», partly structured material, intertwined with the body, they defy our perception without shocking our sensibility.
In this new catalogued exhibition, LKFF Art Projects is proud to present both older sculptures dating back to the year 2000 alongside the very last creations by Hanneke Beaumont, among which some new explorations with composite materials that offers her new possibilities.